Hôtel Al Massira i El-Aaiún

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Boulevard Mekka, 70000, El-Aaiún, EH Western Sahara
Kontakter telefon: +212
Latitude: 27.1565816, Longitude: -13.2014304
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Kommentar 5

  • Stephen Bell

    Stephen Bell


    The good things about the hotel: friendly staff, room cleanliness and food from the restaurant was good. The not so good: the hallway outside the room had a very strong odor of cat urine, the Wi-Fi was horrible no matter where you tried to use it. Even though the room was clean, the shower never got warm let alone hot. Also, the shower curtain had what I hoped were rust stains. A very nice thing about the staff, we managed to oversleep which is something we've never done before while traveling, the staff called to check on us and held breakfast past the usual time for us. It's only because the staff was so friendly that I'm giving a fourth star.

  • Victus Mortuus

    Victus Mortuus


    It has a good café, a good bar, a good service, a calm place for working men and women to relax and talk about work and life

  • meryem mouathassime

    meryem mouathassime


    The best hotel in astound safe, big and very friendly staff. I recommend ithighly




    It is one of the best hotel & landmark in Laayoune Clty

  • Moyeenul Alam

    Moyeenul Alam


    Excellent experience of staying almost 10 months. Good food; well behaved and professional staffs. Excellent service.

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